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Recital FAQ

1.What time/place is the recital?

Our recital is tentatively being held on June 15, 2024 at Lansing Middle School! Showtimes are 2pm and 6pm.

2. Can we leave when my dancer is finished with his/her dance?

Although your dancer may be finished performing, there are others that still have not performed. Just as you would not want your dancer to have an empty theater if (s)he were performing near the end of the show, others feel the same way. Please offer all performers the same common courtesy you would expect for your performer. If you must leave early, you will need to tell us this in advance and pick your child up from the dressing area with your backstage pass.

If you would like to pick up your dancer to sit with you in the auditorium, they must have a ticket and will need to wear a cover up and have finished performing.

3. When can I get my tickets and can I order more?

Two recital tickets are included in your recital fee; and starting March 1, 2024,  additional tickets may be purchased at this link. If you want to ensure that all additional tickets are be seated with the your two free ones, then you will need to purchase them on line by March 31st.  You can pick them up at the front desk as soon as they are available, which should be around the end of May. You can purchase additional tickets ON LINE as long as we have remaining tickets.

4. Does my dancer have to wear makeup?

Make up is strongly suggested for ALL dancers. The lights that illuminate the stage are VERY bright and without makeup, dancer faces look washed out and won’t appear as clearly on video. So, although we don’t require it, you will be much happier watching the video afterwards if you can see your child’s face more clearly.

5. What time does my performer need to be there for Dress Rehearsal—and what if I can’t make it?

Dress Rehearsal will take place on June 14th at the recital venue. DRESS REHEARSAL IS A REQUIREMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SHOW!   This is a CLOSED Rehearsal. One parent per dancer will be admitted into the auditorium. The specific schedule will be posted HERE by May 31st.

6. Flowers?

Flowers will be available for sale through the AOTA Premier Team. More details will be available closer to the show.

7. What time do I need to bring my child to the show?

All dancers should arrive at the theater 30 minutes prior to the start of the show. Dancers should wear their costume with a cover up (this is preferable) or change when they arrive. Please put your make up on prior to arrival.

8. Can I record the show?

No, we do not allow recording, as this is distracting to the people behind the person with the camera. However, all families will receive a complimentary copy of the Recital via AcademyPIX! 

9. Program Ads?

Deadline is May 15th at 9pm. A link to order is posted here.

10. I didn’t sign up yet, is it too late?

The deadline is December 15th to sign up for recital. It takes a great deal of time to get all the costumes in and that is why the cutoff is so early. After this date, we can add a dancer only if someone else has had to cancel and the costume is the same size.

11. Stage Moms—do you need/want backstage help?

Yes!!!! We are always in need of folks to help supervise the dancers while they are not on stage performing. Those who offer to be stage moms will not need a ticket. Those who are a BACKSTAGE mom will receive a $10 voucher good towards tuition or a purchase in our store! If you would like to volunteer, please visit this website to sign up. In order to earn this voucher, you will need to sign up to help by May 1st.

12. Cost—How much does it cost?

Here is a link to our fees page.


……….. We are still adding to these questions—-this page is a work in progress….please feel free to email with any other questions and we may add them to the list :0)



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